The Evening Primrose that I planted last summer is peeking through the Earth. It should bloom from April all the way through August (my notes say it blooms at night!).
Evening Primrose is more than just a pretty flower, it is medicine. The roots, leaves, flowers and the oil from its seeds are used for many different health issues.
Evening Primrose has anti - parasitic, anti -inflammatory, anti oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, demulcent, emollient, hepatic and nervine (nervous system/brain health) properities.
It is most notable for women's health as it is used to relieve hot flashes during menopause, ease PMS symptoms and helps to balnce hormones.
Howver, it is also effective in treating eczema, psorasis and other skinn issues. It has been known to reduce high cholesterol and improve sympoms of ADD/ADHD.
Evening Primrose has been shown to kill breast cancer cells and treat Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Caution: This herb should not be used during the first two trimesters of pregnancy because it can induce labor. It can also interefere with blood thinner medications.
Evening Primrose is also called Sundrops, King's Cureall and Night Candle.